Are you looking to improve your ankle injury recovery time? Improve an ankle stiffness issue?
Improve stiff ankles
Simple. Effective. Portable. TarsoPro™ will maintain ankle mobility or will improve ankle range of motion after injury. Used by athletes, gyms and clinicians.
Watch the video on how to use TarsoPro™
Speed up ankle injury recovery. Improve common ankle stiffness issues.
Ankle stiffness is a common problem particularly after ankle sprains or ankle surgery. Ankle sprains are the most common sporting injury across all sports. Yet residual pain and stiffness is still very common especially if you don't seek help.
TarsoPro™ is compact, easy to use and only takes 5 minutes and helps restore ankle mobility and reduce ankle stiffness.
More reading on How to use TarsoPro
How to set up TarsoPro™ to improve stiff ankles, sore ankles and get better ankle mobility
TarsoPro™ Ankle Mobility Exercises - Testing for mobility
How to improve ankle mobility or ankle stiffness after injury
How to use TarsoPro™ for Stiff Ankles - Leveraged Techniques & Ankle Impingement
Improved Dorsiflexion
Multiple ankle joint mobility action
Using a two seat belt system we get leverage of the talocrural joint lengthening the posterior ankle capsule. Using the handle application we get mobilisation with movement (MWM) of the tibia over the talus. The one stop shop for stiff ankles. View the video for correct use for the best results.
What is dorisflexion?
Dorsiflexion is where the toes are brought closer to the shin. This decreases the angle between the dorsum of the foot and the leg.
Reference: Wikipedia

4 simple steps to set up and use
Remove the strap and handle from the under surface of TarsoPro™
Lay TarsoPro™ on a flat surface. Place the loop section on the ground and place your foot through the larger loop. Place your foot on the block underneath the red strap. Place the heel centred on the unit approximately 2 centimetres from the rear of the unit.
Tighten the red strap accordingly to be at the junction of the foot and the leg (over the talus neck). Feed the narrow end (small loop at the end) through the narrow slot in the distal end of the unit. place the handle through the small loop in the strap. Take knee over the foot to be at the limit of dorsiflexion.
Gently pull on the handle so the black strap is around the lower calf for some tension and sits on the lower leg muscles for comfort. The user then isometrically attempts to lift the heel off the unit into the resistance of the red strap. At the same time, the user pulls with both hands on the handle (keeping the low back straight) on the black strap to pull the leg over the foot. Hold this for 30 seconds and rest for 30 sec. Repeat this 3 times then reassess ankle range of movement
Improve Ankle Mobility
Dorsiflexion is critical for the entire kinetic chain in your posture!
Dorsiflexion plays an important role to dissipate ground reaction forces, jump maximally, squat deep and to be able to run injury free.
Stiff ankles a primary cause low back pain in squat and deadlift movements in the gym. If you want to perform at your best, you need loose ankles to get yourself moving and remain injury free!
How to use TarsoPro™
TarsoPro™ is used by
"We have been using the TarsoPro at the Brisbane Roar in our preseason for the 2017/2018 Hyundai A League. It is the best ankle mobility product we have found for the ongoing management of ankle range of movement. Lightweight, compact and easy to use it is one of the first mobility items we pack for away travels."
CHRIS MALLAC | Sports Physiotherapist • High Performance Manager of Brisbane Roar FC • Rehab Trainer Educator • Editor at The Sports Injury Doctor
Easy to use
3 Minutes and you're ready to go.
Simple to explain the use to athletes, gym goers, crossfitters, boxers and use in the clinic.
Improve your squat
Get your ankles moving!
Stiff ankles are a common cause of poor squat depth and increased load on the lumbar spine.
Low cost investment in your health
Use it every day
Using this mobility device at home, clinic or in the gym daily will reduce your injury risk to your ankles, knees and low back!
Reduce running injuries
Improved dorsiflexion
Ankle sprains are a common sports injury but so are recurrent calf tears, achilles tendinopathy and stress fractures. Improved dorsiflexion allows for greater force attenuation